NRL & AFL Dance Spectacular
Time is TBD
|YBR Dance Newtown - Your Body Resolution
YBR Dance Newtown is inviting your child to perform in the half time performance for the NRL Canterbury Bulldogs & the AFL Giants

Time & Location
Time is TBD
YBR Dance Newtown - Your Body Resolution, 18A Enmore Rd, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia
About The Event
All YBR Dance Kids are invited to perform at live football games for the Canterbury Bulldogs 26th May and AFL Giants. 7th July
You can perform at one or both events :-)
This invitation is for enrolled YBR Dance Kids. All kids must be over 7 Years old. We performed at this event last year, the kids had the times of their lives!! It A major happy memory for all students and teachers. This year the game will be in the late afternoon - not at night.
RSVP - 7th April - This is the date that all children's tshirt orders need to be placed.
You can enrol your child in one or both performances by selecting a blue shirt for Bulldogs game or an Orange shirt for the Giants game! Please make sure you can attend the compulsory field rehearsals before purchasing your shirt.
Children do not need to pay entry or an enrolment fee - but they will need to purchase a YBR Dance branded T - shirt for both events. Blue for the Bulldogs Game and Orange for the Giants Game. $22.50 per shirt
All though it is not compulsory, I would like to strongly encourage all parents to purchase a YBR Dance Hoodie to wear to both games and rehearsals. There will be other dance studios at the event who will be in full uniform. Our children last year were envious of the uniforms they saw on the other studios, it makes them feel like a special member of the YBR dance crew. Plus it helps us identify our own kids who are in black and yellow uniform with the YBR Dance man on the back and front of the jackets. (As per logo at the top of this page). Hoodies are $40 each. Please do not feel obliged to buy but if your child wants a cool winter jacket we would love for you to.
Girls to wear long black leggings, boys long black tracksuit pants. Runners, sneakers on all kids. Long sleeved white shirts or skivvies under their blue or orange shirts for extra warmth.
Parents can buy discounted tickets for themselves - I will send you a discount code for both events when they are open. Approximately $5 + booking fee for Giants game. Approximately $10 + booking fee for Bulldogs game. The kids tshirts are their tickets and they can watch the game with their family after their performance.
Game Day - Performance Days
Bulldogs Dancers - Sunday 26th May @ 1pm for a 2pm game - (performance half time approx 2.45pm) Belmore Sports Ground
Giants Dancers - Sunday 7th July @ 2.45pm for a 4.10pm game (performance half time approx. 4.15pm) Spotless Stadium - Sydney Olympic Park
Compulsory Rehearsals
Please ensure you can attend these rehearsals before purchasing your shirts which unfortunately are non refundable as they are only ordered upon your confirmation.
The children get anxious and nervous when stage placement changes due to last minute cancellations. They will need to be at all rehearsals to understand where they are standing and how to get on an off the field.
Bulldogs and Giants Dancers - 4th May @ YBR Dance Newtown from 1-3.30pm (we may move the rehearsal to a local park tbc)
Bulldogs Dancers Only - 5th May @ 9.15am (end time TBC) @ Belmore Sports Ground
Giants Dancers Only - 16th June @ 9.15 - 11.30am @ Spotless Stadium
Not attending a rehearsal will risk your child forfeiting their place at the event. The children will need the comfort of knowing who they are standing next to. Some kids will be lifted and it is very distressing for children if their partners or lifters are not present at the rehearsal.
Compulsory Waivers
Please ensure you agree to the terms of the compulsory waivers for each event. These will need to be signed and delivered at the Newtown rehearsal
Please feel welcome to email all questions to or call or text Miss Karina on 0416 239 875
Hope to see you all there :-)
Miss Karina
Compulsory Blue T - Shirt
Compulsory blue shirt for Bulldogs Performance - your child's ticket to the event. Please note non refundable however you can try to sell to another family.
A$22.50Compulsory Orange T - shirt
Compulsory Orange T - shirt for Giants performers Please note non refundable however you can try to sell to another family.
A$22.50Not compulsory YBR Hoodie
Cool YBR Dance winter Jacket for your child This Jacket is not compulsory but recommended for all performers to help the children feel a sense of belonging and to help us find/identify our kids. Please note non refundable however you can try to sell to another family.