Rabbitohs Dance Spec Registration - Urgent speedy registration please
Time is TBD
|YBR Dance Newtown - Your Body Resolution
Taking registrations now please strict registration deadline Friday 12th July YBR Dance Newtown is inviting your child to perform ANZ Stadium for the Rabbitohs. Cut of date for registrations strictly 12th July!

Time & Location
Time is TBD
YBR Dance Newtown - Your Body Resolution, 18A Enmore Rd, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia
About The Event
YBR Dance Kids are invited to perform at live football games Souths @ ANZ Stadium 17th August. Please note this performance is via an organiser I have not worked with before. I am still waiting to find out details such as can the kids if the kids can wear a long sleeve something under their tops.
I may not be find out their field placement until game day, which is the same day as their field rehearsal. For this reason we will ask all parents to join the What's App group for all communication on and leading up to game day.
$30 for a Tshirt and Hat - to be supplied by the Rabbitohs. So this top will not have the YBR logo on it.
All though it is not compulsory, I would like to strongly encourage all parents to purchase a YBR Dance Hoodie to wear to both games and rehearsals. There will be other dance studios at the event who will be in full uniform. Our children last year were envious of the uniforms they saw on the other studios, it makes them feel like a special member of the YBR dance crew. Plus it helps us identify our own kids who are in black and yellow uniform with the YBR Dance man on the back and front of the jackets. (As per logo at the top of this page). Hoodies are $45 each. Please do not feel obliged to buy but if your child wants a cool winter jacket we would love for you to.
Parents can buy discounted tickets $15 for themselves - as per the link displayed in the photo. Discount code "Dance Spec". I feel it is likely they won't get their shirts until game day - but I will find out.
Game Day - Performance Days
Saturday 17th August @ 3pm (near gate K) Anz Stadium - We rehearse on the field on the same day as performance. I may call an earlier arrival time if I feel the kids need extra practice.
Compulsory Rehearsals
Please ensure you can attend these rehearsals before purchasing your shirts which unfortunately are non refundable as they are only ordered upon your confirmation.
Group Rehearsal @ YBR Dance Newtown 1-3pm on Saturday 10th August.
Miss Karina's Newtown Studio for now compulstory extra training on Saturday the 27th July & 3rd August from 10.45 - 11.45pm. $15 for 2 classes which the funding will also contribute to my staff help at rehearsals and game day. Please note the children need to learn a new routine and they don't have a lot of time. I will do my best to do during their classes however attending these extra rehearsals will be very good for your kids.
These extra rehearsals are now compulsory for new registrations as the children have limited time to learn a new routine and will girls will need Pom training.
Please feel welcome to email all questions to info@yourbodyresolution.com or call or text Miss Karina on 0416 239 875
Hope to see you all there :-)
Miss Karina
Compulsory Souths Shirt & Hat
Compulsory Shirt and Hat for Souths Performers Please note non refundable however you can try to sell to another family.
A$30.00Not compulsory YBR Hoodie
YBR Dance winter hoodie with no zip for your child This Jacket is not compulsory but recommended for all performers to help the children feel a sense of belonging and to help us find/identify our kids. Please note non refundable however you can try to sell to another family.
A$45.00Compulsory extra rehearsals
Not Compulsory extra rehearsals - $15 funding will assist teacher Staffing on game day & rehearsal day. Saturday 27th July & 3rd August from 10.45 - 11.45am @ YBR Dance Newtown