School Holiday Programs July 2018
July 16th 2018 - Monday
$100 for non studio kids
$85 for enrolled studio kids.
➢ 9-9.30am – Arrive get settled, free play with YBR Equipment
➢ 9.30 – 10am – Warm up, Stretch and Conditioning
➢ 10.10.45am - Dance Fundamentals/Technique/Coordination/Rhythm/Routine intro
➢ 10.45 – 11am- Break/Morning Tea
➢ 11am- 12pm - Acrobatics Conditioning Fundamentals/Correct technique Basic Skills
➢ 12 – 12.30pm – Dance Choreography learn, practice
➢ 12.30 - 1pm – Lunch
➢ 1-2pm - Acro Group Skills/Dance choreography learn and practice
➢ 2 – 2.15pm – Arts and Crafts time/Free play
➢ 2.15 – 2.30 pm – Day revisions Acro and Dance
➢ 2.30 – 3.30pm – Popcorn/Movie time!! Children enjoy popcorn whilst watching dance and acro related dance films or snippets of for inspiration!
➢ 3.30 – 4pm – Structured Mats Practice (with teacher assistance) in small groups and Acro skills
➢ 4-4.30pm - Revise acro or dance skills learned
➢ 4.30-5pm – Show and tell, record our achievements for the day
This timetable is subject to change.
Please bring a pack lunch and snacks!!
Or give us a budget on how much you would like your children to purchase from Canteen to be paid in cash at end of day by parents.
Toasted Jaffles - $2.00
Juice - $1.00
Cheese and Crackers - $1.50
We will be supplying popcorn for all children during movie time
Please pack, morning tea, lunch and snacks a water bottle and hand towel.